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The Academy

Motivation vs. Discipline: the Key to Consistent Success

By Gracia Tanyikoy


Motivation is like a wave—it can rise high and feel exhilarating, but it can also crash down, leaving you stranded when it’s gone. This is why so many people struggle to stay consistent in their fitness journeys, diet plans, or any self-improvement goals. Motivation comes from external sources like a new year, a role model, or a life event that pushes you to take action. It’s the emotional high that makes everything seem possible in the beginning.


However, as we’ve all experienced, motivation fades. When the initial excitement wears off, what happens then? This is where discipline takes over. Discipline is doing what you need to do, even when you don’t feel like doing it.


Unlike motivation, which can come and go depending on how you feel, discipline is the ability to stick to your goals regardless of your mood. It’s the habit of showing up, even on the days when you don’t want to. It is all about commitment regardless of emotions.


Why Discipline Matters More in the Long Run


As a personal trainer, I’ve seen countless clients hit the gym super motivated at first. But after a while, when life gets in the way, that initial spark fades. It’s normal! Discipline is what keeps them showing up, even when it’s tough. Discipline is about consistency—whether you’re feeling pumped or completely drained.


If you’re serious about making real, lasting changes to your fitness or nutrition, discipline is the key. It’s about creating habits that stick, no matter how you’re feeling. This is especially true when it comes to nutrition. Anyone can stick to a meal plan for a few days when they’re motivated, but to truly change your body and health, you need the discipline to stay consistent with those healthy choices over the long term.


Three Uncommon Tips to Build and Maintain Discipline

Discipline is not easy and that is a fact. Instead of the usual advice “Just stick with it”.

Here are 3 tips that will help you:


1.    Incorporate New Habits into Existing RoutinesI get it—starting new habits is hard. So instead of trying to force a completely new routine, try this: attach your new habit to something you already do daily, making it easier to follow through consistently. By pairing the new behavior with something you already do habitually, the transition becomes smoother.

For example, if you want to make stretching or mobility work part of your routine, do it right after something you never forget—like brushing your teeth in the morning. If you want to prep healthier meals, try making it a habit to chop veggies right after you finish dinner each night. By pairing the new habit with something automatic, it’s much easier to stay disciplined.


2.    Focus on Small Wins for Big GainsEver felt overwhelmed by a huge goal, like losing +20 pounds or building muscle? It’s easy to feel stuck when the goal seems so far away. Instead of focusing on the finish line, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Small wins build momentum and make you feel like you’re making progress.

For example: Exercising for 10 minutes a day before gradually increasing the duration. Making one healthier food choice each day, such as increasing protein intake or cutting back on processed snacks. These tiny wins boost your confidence and keep you disciplined because you’ll see results, even if they’re small. Over time, those small changes add up to big results.


3.    Visualize the “Future You”This one’s a game-changer. Imagine the version of yourself that has already achieved your goals. Picture how strong, healthy, and confident that future version of you feels. How did you get there? You built discipline by consistently making the right choices, day after day.

By keeping that future version of yourself in mind, you’re more likely to stay on track today.


Visualizing the end result can help you stay disciplined on days when the immediate reward seems distant. It strengthens your commitment to the process and keeps you focused on the bigger picture.


Something I do through tough days (like when I don’t want to work out, when cravings strike, kid’s issues, family matters, etc.) I always remind myself to think about the future me. Will skipping today help me become the person I want to be? This mental exercise can be the push you need to stay disciplined when your motivation is low.


Discipline Will Always Win


At the end of the day, motivation is great, but it’s not reliable. Discipline is what’s going to get you the results you want. Whether it’s making time for your workouts or staying on track with your meal plan, it’s the daily decisions that count. By building discipline into your routine, you’ll find that success comes naturally, even on the days when you’re not feeling 100%.


So, ask yourself: what small change can you make today to build more discipline? Whether it’s habit stacking, focusing on small wins, or keeping your future self in mind, start today and watch how quickly you build the habits that will get you closer to your goals.


If you need a push, a helper along your journey, you can reach out to us for personal training and nutrition coaching. 

Book a free strategy session: / 403-263-3113.


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