With the cold and snow arriving, outdoor ice skating season is just around the corner! Ice-skating can be a great activity for the whole family and is a great form of exercise. Below are some common injuries, tips to help you avoid injuries, and exercises to help you be prepared.
Common injuries.
Ankle sprains & fractures.
Wrist sprains & fractures.
Hand injuries.
ACL tears.
How to avoid injuries.
Wear high quality skates, helmet, and padding.
Ensure your skates fit properly. The improper fit can lead to imbalances and stress on your bones, tendons, and ligaments.
Warm up before skating, cold muscles are prone to tears and injury.
Stretch before and after skating.
Exercises to help prevent injuries.
Sumo squats
Single-leg Romanian deadlifts
Forward and reverse lunges
Dead bug
Standing core march
Benefits of outdoor activity.
· The whole family can be involved.
· Exposure to sunlight can help reduce seasonal depression.
· Increased Immune function.
· It’s free!
For more information, help with the above exercises, or to start a new strength training program, contact one of our Health & Fitness professionals today at personaltraining@heavensacademy.com