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The Academy

Hit the Trails Strong!

Hit the trails for a great hike this summer.

Get out and enjoy the great outdoors this summer with these great tips to make sure your experience is as fantastic as the views!

1/ Make sure to do some dynamic stretching before heading out.

2/ Use a walking stick when going downhill.

3/ Avoid locking knees and walking in a straight line when going downhill.

4/ Start with short hikes and work your way up to avoid overuse on your knees.

5/ Break in your shoes before you hit the trails.

6/ Wear moisture wicking socks and pack blister packs.

7/ Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration. – if you are hiking in extreme heat for longer than an hour, consider packing drinks that will replenish electrolytes – ie: Gatorade

8/ Pack lots of healthy snacks to keep you moving all day long. Check out the link below for some great information on packing snacks for your next hike.

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