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Achieve More: The Power of Goal Setting

Setting goals is crucial to making progress, whether it is in fitness, career, or personal life. But simply having a goal isn’t enough.You need to be specific, understand why it matters, and have a clear plan to achieve it.Here’s how you can set goals that you will reach.


1. Be Specific About Your Goal (WHAT?)

 Saying "I want to get in shape" doesn’t really mean much. It’s too vague and can lead to frustration when you don’t see the results you expect. To truly commit to a goal, you need to define what "your goal" means for you.

For example, instead of saying, “I want to be fit,” say something more specific like, “I want to run 5 kilometers without feeling out of breath.”, “I want to deadlift 200kg.”.

When your goal is clear, you know exactly what you’re working toward, which makes it easier to stay motivated.


2. Set a Relevant Goal (WHY?)

Why do you want to achieve this specific goal?

Understanding the deeper reason behind your goal is essential. It’s what will keep you going when things get tough. This is your “WHY.”

If your goal is to see be stronger, ask yourself why. Maybe it’s because you’re tired of not being getting injured when doing activities. Perhaps you want to feel more confident in your appearance or want to play with your kid/grandkids. Knowing your “why” gives your goal purpose and significance, making it more compelling to pursue.

3. Create a Detailed Plan (HOW #1)

How are you going to achieve your goal? Without a plan, your goal is just a dream. Break down the steps you need to take to make your goal a reality.If your goal is to get stronger, your plan might include eating a high-protein breakfast like three eggs with vegetables every morning, consuming creatine daily, doing 3 strength workout per week

Your plan should be as detailed as possible, outlining what you’ll do daily, weekly, and monthly to stay on track. This way, you have a roadmap that guides you and makes it easier to measure your progress.


4. Set a Deadline for Your Goal (WHEN?)

A goal without a deadline lacks urgency. Without a sense of time, it’s easy to procrastinate or lose focus.Giving yourself a specific deadline creates a sense of importance and drives you to take consistent action.If your goal is to lose weight and run a 10k, set a deadline like, “I want to reach my goal in 6 months.” This gives you a timeframe to work within and helps you stay focused and motivated


5. Make Your Goal Measurable (HOW #2)

How will you know if you’re on the right path toward your goal?The answer is by tracking your progress. Even if tracking isn’t your favorite thing to do, it’s essential to measure your progress so you know if you’re moving in the right direction.You can measure your progress by weighing yourself regularly, taking body measurements, snapping progress photos, or performing physical fitness tests.

These metrics give you tangible evidence of your progress and help you adjust your plan if needed.

6. Conclusion (SUMMARY)

Your goals should look something like this:

“I want to be stronger because I’m tired of getting injured, feeling pain and I want to feel good confident.To achieve this, I will eat protein and vegetables at every meal, do strength training twice a week, and increase weights every 2 weeks. I want to reach my goal in 12 months, so I will test my strength every 3 months to track my progress.”


By following these steps, you can set clear, meaningful goals and create a solid plan to achieve them. Remember, the key to success is not just in setting goals, but in taking consistent, measurable action toward them.


We hope this blog will help you to achieve your goals.If you need help to set and reach your fitness goals, feel free to reach out to us and we would be please to help you.


Or phone call: 403 263-3113


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